Technical Death Metal
- 7 H.Target
- Abhorrent
- Abiotic
- Abnormality
- Abominable Putridity
- Acanthosis
- Adelon
- Aethereus
- ArcAine
- Archspire
- Arkaik
- Augury
- Beneath The Massacre
- Beyond Creation
- C.B Murdoc
- Catalyst
- Cognitive
- Crown Magnetar
- Cryptopsy
- cytotoxin
- Dark Matter Secret
- Dawohl
- Death
- Deathspawn
- Decapitated
- Deceptionist
- Demon King
- Derelict
- Desecrate The Faith
- Drottnar
- Eaten by Sharks
- Equipoise
- Exocrine
- Eye of Horus
- Facelift Deformation
- Fallujah
- First Fragment
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Flub
- Galactic Mechanics
- Gigan
- Gojira
- Gorguts
- Gorod
- Hacride
- Harbinger
- Havok
- Hideous Divinity
- Hour Of Penance
- Humanity Decayed
- In Death
- Indepth
- Inferi
- Keep on Rotting
- Lost Soul
- Maggot King
- Mechanical God Creation
- Miscreance
- Morbus Chron
- Mordant Rupture
- Mortem Obscuram
- Mycelia
- Nebulous
- Necrophagist
- Nile
- Node
- Obscura
- Orphalis
- Phrymerial
- Raw in Sect
- Reperias
- Resumed
- Rings of Saturn
- Rivers of Nihil
- Scepticflesh
- Secures
- Seduced
- Shattered
- Spawn Of Possession
- Spectrum of Delusion
- Stortregn
- Structural
- Symbolik
- Symplus-E
- Tegmentum
- The Odious Construct
- The Pain Body
- The Zenith Passage
- Unbirth
- Uncaved
- Unhallowed Deliverance
- Virvum
- Wrath of the Nebula
- Xoth
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