- 4th Circle
- A/Oratus
- Abrahma
- Absurdity
- Admirals Arms
- Aephanemer
- Aesmah
- Aetheria Conscientia
- Alcest
- Aldaaron
- Alkhemia
- Alpha du Centaure
- Aluk Todolo
- Amber Sea
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Aorlhac
- Aosoth
- Argile
- Arkan
- Arkhon Infaustus
- As It Comes
- As They Burn
- Ashen
- Asidefromaday
- Atlantis Chronicals
- Attractive Chaos
- Back Garden Light
- Backdawn
- Bad Nasty
- Bain De Sang
- Banane Metalik
- Basseville
- Belore
- Belyscendre
- Beneath my Sins
- Benighted
- Betraying The Martyrs
- Beyond the Void
- Birds In Row
- Black Bomb A
- Black Rain
- Black Sin
- Blockheads
- Blood Ages
- Blood Reign
- Bloodstorm
- Blut Aus Nord
- Breakdust
- Breakout
- Burning Heads
- Cachot d'Effroi
- Cainan Dawn
- Carmen Sea
- Catalyst
- Cavalerie
- Celeste
- Chabtan
- Chaos Echoes
- Chef & the Gang
- Chiens
- Christicide
- citrus
- Comity
- Corpus Diavolis
- Crest Of Darkness
- Cristalys
- Crown
- Crusher
- Cult of Occult
- Cure For The Ghost
- Dagoba
- Darkall Slaves
- Darkenhöld
- Dawohl
- Ddent
- Death Engine
- Deathcode Society
- Deep in Hate
- Deos
- Destinity
- Deveikuth
- Devour The Fetus
- Diluvian
- Doctor Livingstone
- Downright Malice
- Dust In Mind
- Elephants
- Embrace your Punishment
- Embryonic Cells
- Erocis
- Eternal Hunt
- Eurydice
- Evil One
- Except One
- Execution
- Exocrine
- Fäust
- Fiend
- Filthy Charity
- Fir bolg
- Forsaken World
- Fractal Gates
- Fractal Universe
- Freitot
- Glaciation
- Glorior Belli
- Glowsun
- Glucide Squad
- Godkiller
- Gojira
- Gorod
- Gravekvlt
- Grief
- Gros Enfant Mort
- Ground-Ø
- Growls
- Hacride
- Hangman's Chair
- Harm Done
- Harmonic Generator
- Hell Gate
- Hell Militia
- Hellwitch
- Herrschaft
- Himinbjorg
- Houle
- Hrothgar
- Human Parasite
- Human Worms
- Hyadningar
- Hybrid Sheep
- Hypno5e
- Hyrgal
- Iffernet
- Igorrr
- In Arkadia
- In Other Climes
- In Volt
- Inherits the Void
- Inhumate
- Insain
- Joe La Truite
- Jours Pâles
- Kadinja
- Kami no Ikari
- Kanine
- Karne
- Kells
- Khaos Dei
- Kingcrown
- Kingslayers
- Klone
- Last Temptation
- Lazuli
- Le Bal Des Enrages
- Le Prochain Hiver
- Les Discrets
- Les Fatals Picards
- Les Projets d'Athéna
- Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs
- Les Wampas
- Lion's Law
- LizZard
- Lofofora
- Lord Shades
- Lunar Tombfields
- Machete
- Magoyond
- Malhkebre
- Manzer
- Mass Hysteria
- Mercyless
- Merrimack
- Meurtrières
- Mind Awake
- Molybaron
- Monarch!
- Mont Doré
- Moonreich
- Mor
- Mormieben
- Morse
- Mortifera
- Mudbath
- Murmansk
- Mutiilation
- Mutism
- Myrkvid
- Mythark
- Naheulband
- Nature Morte
- Necroblood
- Necrosphera
- Necrowretch
- Nesseria
- No One Is Innocent
- Nocturnal Depression
- Nothing new in Heaven
- Novelists
- Nukekubi
- One-Way Mirror
- Overload
- P.O. Box
- Paramnesia
- Pavillon Rouge
- Perturbator
- Pilori
- Plebeian Grandstand
- Plevre
- PoisönCharge
- Porno Graphic Messiah
- Post-Mortem
- Providence
- Punish Yourself
- Putrid Offal
- Qantice
- Radical Failure
- Radical Heresy
- Ratbomb
- Recueil Morbide
- Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
- Resolve
- Right To The Void
- Rise Of Doom
- Rise of the Northstar
- S.U.P
- Sacrifizer
- Satan (FRA)
- Sceau de l'Ange
- Scrotum
- Sedative
- Sépulcre
- Seth
- Seyminhol
- Shaarghot
- Shaka Ponk
- Shaytan
- Sideblast
- Sidilarsen
- Sinsaenum
- Skald
- Skaphos
- Skelethal
- Smash Hit Combo
- Sofy Major
- Sons of O'Flaherty
- Sordide
- South Of Hell
- Sphaera
- Splice
- Sticky Boys
- Stinky
- Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
- Sunquake
- Supuration
- Svart Crown
- Sweetest Devilry
- Syndro-Sys
- T.A.N.K.
- Temple Of Baal
- Ten56
- Tentation
- The Amsterdam Red Light District
- The Arrs
- The Astro Zombies
- The Boring
- The Dawn Razor
- The Great Divide
- The Great Old Ones
- The loyal Cheaters
- The Malum Process
- The Moorings
- The Necromancers
- The Prestige
- The Scotts
- The Tensions
- The Third Project
- Throane
- Ticket To The Moon
- Tiger Joe
- Toter Fisch
- Traquenard
- Treha Sektori
- Tromblon
- Uhl
- Uneven Structure
- Uns
- Vampire Tower
- Verdun
- Vlaar
- Vorkreist
- Vortex of End
- Vulcain
- Véhémence
- Warfuck
- Warkunt
- Warswawasraw
- When Reasons Collapse
- Whoresnation
- Witches
- Witchthroad Serpent
- Wrath of the Nebula
- Year Of No Light
- Yurodivy
- Zorglüb
- Ørdem
Hey Metalheads!
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