- (hed)p.e.
- 30,000 Monkies
- 7 Seconds
- A Tragedy of Fate
- A Traitor Like Judas
- A.M.D
- Across The Atlantic
- Additional Time
- Admirals Arms
- Affenpinshhers
- Age of Woe
- Agnostic Front
- Akantha
- Alcatraz
- Alesana
- Alex Skolnick Trio
- All For Nothing
- All Life Ends
- All Out War
- All Over The Face
- All Pigs Must Die
- Almost Dead
- Among Vultures
- Anchor
- Angst
- Animal Instinct
- Annisokay
- Anti-Flag
- Anticops
- apRon
- Arctos Staphylos
- Arma Gathas
- Arsonists Get All The Girls
- Art of Phobia
- As Prayers Fail
- Astroid Boys
- Atilla
- Atreyu
- Attack Vertical
- August Burns Red
- Awaken Demons
- Axis
- Ays
- Backstabbed
- Backtrack
- Bad Blood Behaviour
- Bad Brains
- Bane
- Bark
- Beast In Black
- Beast within the Sound
- Before The Decay
- Bellako
- Betrayal
- Betraying The Martyrs
- Between The Frontlines
- Beyond The Vortex
- Billy The Kid
- Biohazard
- Bl'ast!
- Black Breath
- Black Flag
- Black Shiva
- Black Tongue
- Blackwall
- Blood Sermon
- Bloodattack
- Bloody Crooks
- blossom decay
- Blown
- Body Count feat Ice-T
- Born From Pain
- Break Even
- Breakout
- Bright & Black
- Bright Lights
- Broken Teeth!
- Bronco
- Brothers in Arms
- Bullseye
- Buried Dreams
- Buried In Verona
- Burn Fuse
- Bury Your Dead
- By The Grace Of God
- Cage
- Call The Cops
- Campus
- Cancel
- Cancer Bats
- Candy
- Cannon For Cordoba
- Canvas
- Car Drive Anthem
- Cardiac
- Celtica
- Centuries
- Chaver
- Chelsea Deadbeat Combo
- Choke Under Terror
- Circle Of Execution
- citrus
- Civil Victim
- ClayXRegazzoni
- ClearXCut
- Clowns
- Code Blue Coma
- Code Of Conduct
- Code Orange
- Coilcry
- Cold Reality
- Colossus Fall
- Comeback Kid
- Comity
- Common Grave
- Constant Hunger
- Constants
- Converge
- Counterparts
- Crackfist
- Cremations
- Crippled Fingers
- Cro-Mags
- Crone
- Cross Me
- Crossed
- Crown Of Thornz
- Crowned Kings
- Cruel Division
- Cursed Earth
- Cutthroat LA
- D.O.A.
- Dagger Threat
- Damn City
- Dark Reflexions
- Dave Smalley (USA)
- Days of Anger
- Days Of Ruin
- Dead Heat
- Dead Last
- Dead Like Juliet
- Deafheaven
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death Before Dishonour
- Death By Stereo
- Death Engine
- Death Lens
- Death Ray Vision
- Death Swans
- Decay Remains
- Declass
- Deconvolution
- Deliver
- Deluminator
- Depreciate The Liar
- Dethroned
- Dine in Hell
- Dirty Fingers
- Discipline
- Disinclined
- Divine Sentence
- Do Or Die
- Dog Eat Dog
- Dogbite
- Don Gatto
- Down to Nothing
- Downset
- Dr. Living Dead
- Dustriders
- Dying Lifeless
- Earth Crisis
- Easy Money
- Eat Me Fresh
- Echo Chamber
- ED
- Edesse
- El Camino Car Crash
- Elephants
- Elizabeth
- Elwood Stray
- Embrace Destruction
- Empty Handed
- end of nothing
- Endless Heights
- Enter Shikari
- Entitled
- Escape from Sickness
- Eu's Arse
- Eurydice
- Evergreen Terrace
- Every Time I Die
- Everytime I Die
- Excluded
- Excoriated
- Existence
- Expire
- Exterminating Angel
- Eye On Perdition
- Eyes Set To Kill
- Face The End
- Face Your Enemy
- Faced out
- Fahnenflucht
- Failure
- Fallbrawl
- False Act
- Falsetrip
- Final Exit
- Fingers Crossed
- First Blood
- First Brawl
- Fist of Fate
- Fjørt
- Flush
- For All Those Sleeping
- For Dawn
- For The Glory
- For Today
- Foreseen
- Foscø
- Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
- Frontslam
- Gaza
- Gear
- Gerry McAvoy’s Band Of Friends
- Get The Shot
- Ghost Inside
- Ghost Train Suplex
- Gideon
- Ginger And The Alchemists
- Give 'Em Blood
- God Mother
- Gone To Waste
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Got Nuthin'
- Government Issue
- Gravekvlt
- Gravemaker
- Grief
- Groove Street Families
- Ground-Ø
- Guns Up
- Gut Wound
- H2O
- Halshug
- Hand Of Mercy
- Hangman
- Hard-Code
- Harm Done
- Harrowist
- Hatebreed
- Hatvan City HC
- Haust
- Hawser
- Haywire
- Head As A Weapon
- Headshot (BEL)
- Heart In Hand
- Heights
- Hellforce
- Hellvetica
- Henriette B
- Her Name In Blood
- Heretic Soul
- Hexis
- Holepunch
- Hollow Earth
- Hollow Truth
- Homewards
- Homewrecker
- Hood Brawl
- Hopes
- Horace
- Horse the Band
- Horsewhip
- Human Worms
- Hundredth
- Hunted Like Thieves
- I Cut Out Your Name
- I Not Dance
- I Saw Daylight
- I Set Fire
- II. Ukran Front
- Imperio
- In Love Your Mother
- In Oceand Deep
- In Other Climes
- In The Company Of Men
- In The Crossfire
- Incendiary
- Incredi-Ballz
- Infekcja
- Insanity
- Insanity61
- Insincerity
- Ira Mortis
- Jasta
- Jesus Piece
- Judge
- Judiciary
- Kasparov
- Keep Talking
- Keesel
- Ken Mode
- Kiju
- Knocked Loose
- Knuckledust
- Kotron
- Krüger
- Kupid's Kurse
- Landscapes
- Last Hope
- Le Bal Des Enrages
- Le Baron Vampire
- Left Hand of Darkness
- LeSeek
- Let Live
- Let Them Eat Money
- Life As War
- Life is pain
- Life Of Agony
- Life Question
- Lifecrusher
- Liferuiner
- Liondays
- Lionheart
- Lower Than Atlantis
- Lower than Zero
- Lowlife
- Machete
- Mad Era
- Mad Sox
- Madball
- Madison Affair
- Magnitude
- Mahlstrom
- Malevolence
- Malignant
- Man vs. Humanity
- Mass Worship
- Massa Nera
- Max Berend
- Merauder
- Mimicry
- Mind Awake
- Mindwrecked
- Misconduct
- Miss May I
- Moral Bombing
- Moral Law
- More Than A Thousand
- More Than Life
- Morning Again
- Morse
- Mortal Hatred
- Mortality Rate
- Moscow Death Brigade
- Mulberry Sky
- Murphy's Law
- Mutism
- Mutoid Man
- My City Burning
- My Last Hour
- My Terror
- Nails
- Nasty
- Nations Afire
- Naysayer
- Nazareto El Violento
- Neal Morse Band
- Negative Approach
- Neighborhood Watch
- Nesseria
- New Saints
- Nic
- Night Fever
- No Bragging Rights
- No Reward
- No Trigger
- No Turning Back
- No Warning
- No Zodiac
- Nobody's Straight
- Noisem
- Nomeansno
- Northfolk
- Northlane
- Nostromo
- Novel of Sin
- Noxius
- Oh Shit it's Wendelean
- Okkultokrati
- Omissis
- On Elegance
- One Hour Left
- Onerous
- Oregon Trail
- Orphan
- Oscuro Culto
- Out of the Blue
- Pain of Truth
- Painful Hate
- Pay No Respect
- Peace of Mind
- Pest Control
- Pierce the Veil
- Pigs
- Play To Destroy
- Plevre
- Poison Idea
- Polar
- Polaris
- Poppy
- Port Of Call
- Power Trip
- Powertrip
- Preamp Disaster
- Prevail Over One's Horizon
- Pride Shall Fall
- Pro-Pain
- Providence
- Proving
- Purified in Blood
- Put Pùrana
- Qube
- Rabbit Lesson
- Rainmaker
- Raised Fist
- Ramallah
- Raptus Di Follia
- Rason To Care
- Raw Brigade
- Reality Slap
- Reason To Care
- Redeem/Revive
- Reforge
- Refused
- Regulate
- Release The Kraken
- Remission
- Resilience
- Resist the Ocean
- Resistance
- Resolve
- Restraining Order
- Revulsion
- Ringworm
- Rip Down
- Rise Against
- Rise of the Northstar
- Risk it!
- Rockdown
- Ross The Boss
- Rue des Cascades
- Ruffiction
- Run With The Hunted
- Ryker's
- S.O.D.
- Sacrificed with a Scythe
- Safe State
- Salt the Wound
- Scarred
- Schäfer
- Scowl
- Scream Blue Murder
- Scuffproof
- Seek & Destroy
- SeeYouSpaceCowboy
- Septic Christ
- Set the Destroyer
- Sex Prisoner
- Shai Hulud
- Shaped By Fate
- Shiny Brown
- Show Your Teeth
- Siberian Meat Grinder
- Sibiir
- Sick Of It All
- Sick Twisted Smile
- Sickret
- Sights & Sounds
- Silent Screams
- Simulakra
- Skullcross
- Skylla's Revenge
- Skywalker
- Slapshot
- Slug Abuse
- Smash Hit Combo
- Smile
- Smilodon
- Smoke Blow
- Social Suicide
- Sofy Major
- Some Kind of Noise
- Sort Of Odd
- Soul prison
- Soulprison
- Spark
- Spidercrew
- Spirit Crusher
- Spiritworld
- Spit Some Blood
- Steelroad
- Stick To Your Guns
- Still Untitled
- Stinky
- Storm(O)
- Stray From The Path
- Strength
- Strength For A Reason
- Strife
- Structures
- Strung Out
- Stuck Mojo
- Suckapunch
- Suffer Survive
- Suffocate
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Superjoint Ritual
- Svalbard
- Sworn Enemy
- Symbolon
- Take Offense
- Taped
- Tausend Löwen unter Feinden
- Teamkiller
- Terror
- Texas In July
- The Amsterdam Red Light District
- The Arrs
- The Blackout Argument
- The Carrier
- The Cassidy Scenario
- The Dillinger Escape Plan
- The Dwarves
- The Elijah
- The Fight
- The Freeze
- The Ghost Inside
- The Giving
- The Great Divide
- The Green River Burial
- The Greenery
- The Hell
- The Last Breath Of Life
- The Midlandfuckers
- The Mild
- The Prestige
- The Psyke Project
- The Royal
- The Setup
- The Skunks
- The Virus
- The War We Lost
- The Word Alive
- Thick As Blood
- This Or The Apocalypse
- Thorazin Therapie
- Three Knee Deep
- Thrufall
- Tião
- Times Of Desperation
- Tinta Leal
- To The Wire
- Toadvine
- Torch It
- Touché Amoré
- Toxic Shock
- Toxpack
- Track The Liars Down
- Trade Wind
- Trailer Park Massacre
- Trap Them
- Trapped
- Trapped Under Ice
- Traquenard
- Trial
- Tribute Bash
- Trinta & Um
- Tromblon
- Trou Noir
- Trust the shark
- Turning Cold
- Turnstile
- Twisted
- Twitching Tongues
- Tørsö
- Uncircle
- Unearth
- Unfold
- Unhaim
- Unified Move
- Unveil
- Uprising Punx
- Vai-Te Foder
- Val Sinestra
- Valara
- Vale Tudo
- Vamachara
- Vanna
- Veil Of Maya
- Vengha
- Verrat
- Versus
- Versus The Throne
- Vibora
- Victims
- Vile
- Violence Approved
- Violent Way
- Vitamin X
- Void of Animus
- Volumes
- Vonation
- Vorvan
- Wage War
- Walking With Ghosts
- Walls of Jericho
- Wanderer
- War From A Harlots Mouth
- war on women
- Warfare
- Warswawasraw
- We Came as Romans
- Weak Die First
- Wehrmacht
- White Dog Suicide
- Wild Zombie Blast Guide
- Will Cope
- Wisdom in Chains
- Within The Ruins
- Wolf Down
- Wolfbite
- wolfpack
- Wonderful World
- Words of Concrete
- words of revolt
- World Be Free
- World Eater
- World of Pain
- world of pleasure
- World Peace
- Written by Witches
- Wrong Man
- Wrong Way To Die
- xUntold Sufferingx
- XviciousX
- Yesterday I Had Roadkill
- Your Demise
- Your Fault
- Ørdem
Hey Metalheads!
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