- Above Aurora
- Acid Sitter
- Amalekim
- Azels Mountain
- Batushka
- Behemoth
- Besatt
- Bestia
- Black Altar
- Blaze of Perdition
- Blind
- Blindead
- Christ Agony
- Crystal Viper
- Decapitated
- Det Gamle (Besatt)
- Deus Mortem
- Dopelord
- Empatic
- False Act
- Graveland
- Gurthang
- Hate
- Headbanger
- Hekatomb
- Hellhaim
- I.N.D.
- Infekcja
- Infernal War
- Iperyt
- Kalt Vindur
- Lost Soul
- Made of Hate
- Malchus
- Manbryne
- Materia
- Me and that man
- Meteria
- Mgla
- Moontower
- Ojciec Dyktator
- Outre
- Pathfinder
- Patriarkh
- Plaga
- Riverside
- Slug Abuse
- Supreme Lord
- Terrordome
- The Analogs
- The Sixpounder
- Tides From Nebula
- Vader
- Vane
- Votum
- Warbell
- Witchmaster
- Zgroza
Hey Metalheads!
Wenn ihr cool findet, was wir hier machen, könnt ihr uns gerne unterstützen. Überlegt's euch, keine Verpflichtung! → Vielen Dank!