- A New Chapter
- Abigor
- Across A Blackened Sky
- Adamon
- Aenygma
- Aeons Of Ashes
- Ahara
- AlkBottel
- Alkbottle
- All Faces Down
- All Your Sorrows
- Alphayn
- Altar Of I
- Anal Fister
- Anderwelt
- Angelcunt
- Animalize
- Anomalie
- Arctic Sea Survivors
- Arsgoatia
- Artas
- As God Created
- Astpai
- Athiria
- Aussichtslos
- Auszaat
- Autumn Bride
- Backstabbers
- Bad Sellin' Record
- Ballet
- basic acoustic covers
- Bastard Peels
- Behind The Rails
- Below Babylon
- Belphegor
- Beyond This Rift
- Bifröst
- Black Corona
- Black Inhale
- Blessmon
- Blightbringer
- Borderlane
- Caligula's Horse
- Call The Mothership
- Calverhine
- Camp Chaos
- Castiel
- castingcouch
- Catastrofear
- Celtica Pipes Rock
- Cemetery Dust
- Chainbreäker
- chaostemple
- Chasing Sounds
- Chorosia
- Cil City
- Circle of Shadows
- Clutch At Straws
- Cobra Spell
- Concrete Eden
- Coperniquo
- Corruptum
- Cremation
- Crowheart
- CroworD
- Daark
- Dark Reflexions
- Darkfall
- Days of Loss
- Daze Affect
- Dead Beatz
- Dead Knowledge
- Dead Territory
- Deadends
- Deadtime Stories
- Death Rising
- Deathstorm
- Decius
- Detönation
- Devastating Enemy
- Dhark
- Dialectic Chaos
- Diamond Falcon
- Die Selektion
- Dirty Jewels
- Discopowerboxxx
- Disharmonic Orchestra
- Disparity
- Distaste
- Dornenreich
- Dragony
- Draugr
- Dread The Moment
- Dreaded Downfall
- Drescher
- Dschagganath
- Düsenjäger
- Dusk
- Dying Eden
- Dystersol
- Dystrust
- Ebony Archways
- Edenbridge
- El Camino Car Crash
- Ellende
- Enclave
- Epsilon
- Estatic Fear
- Fallen Utopia
- Falling for an Empire
- Far From Home
- Flesh Remains
- Four Walls
- Freund Hein
- Garden Of Grief
- Gastric Ulcer
- Gates Of Sleep
- Germ
- Give 'Em Blood
- Goretex
- Gracious In Defeat
- Graufar
- Groteskh
- Guts
- Guyođ
- H.A.L
- Hagzissa
- Hangar-X
- Harakiri for the Sky
- Hard Excess
- Harrowist
- Heathen Foray
- Heimwerker
- Hellavista
- High Voltage (Carinthian Metal)
- Hollenthon
- Horizonist
- I Not Dance
- Illuminata
- In This Chest
- Indoctrinate
- Infected Chaos
- InSane
- Insanity Alert
- Interhell
- Interregnum
- Intra
- Irokäse
- Iron Overkill
- Jioda
- Jörg Danielsen
- Justice Lost
- Karg
- Karner
- Kendra
- Kharnath
- Kill The Lycan
- Killer Kings
- Kontrust
- Kringa
- L'Âme Immortelle
- Leons Massacre
- Lichtblick
- Light Up The Town
- Liquid Steel
- Living Between The Lines
- Lowlife
- Machine Gun Horror
- Maira
- Maltraxx
- Manhattan Century
- Marrok
- Mastic Scum
- Michael Zimmel
- Midriff
- Mind In A Box
- Minus Green
- Missstand
- Molten Chains
- Monument Of Misanthropy
- Moros
- Mortal Strike
- Morton
- Mortuary
- Mother's Cake
- Mvsochist
- NA15
- Nahtrunar
- Nameless
- Narrengold
- Nekrodeus
- Nemesis Affair
- Nemesis My Enemy
- Nemoreus
- Nocturne
- Noisebazooka
- Nordfeuer
- Norikum
- Old Time Gospel Hour
- Orphan
- Our Survival Depends On Us
- Outlawed
- Outrage
- Paddy Murphy
- Pain Is
- Palindrome
- Parallel Existence
- Parental Advisory
- Perchta
- Perditus
- Perishing Mankind
- Plaguepreacher
- Portae Obscuritas
- Pray for Pain
- Prediction
- Project:Epigone
- Ramazuri
- Reanima
- Reapers Call
- Red Square Scenario
- Regnum Noricum
- Remainers
- Reset The World
- Rest In Fear
- Richthammer
- Roadwolf
- Rockdown
- Rotten Halo
- Rush of Blood
- Russkaja
- Ryotts
- Savanah
- Scargod
- Scävenger
- Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench
- Scion of Darkness
- Seduced
- Seek & Destroy
- Sektor 7
- Senntus
- Sensylis
- Serenity
- Show Your Teeth
- Sibirian Trainstation
- Sic Semper Tyrannis
- Silenzer
- Silius
- Siren's Cry
- Six-Score
- Sloow
- Solrize
- Sonic Riot
- Sort Of Odd
- Soulful
- SpheX
- Spidercrew
- Spirit Desire
- Squirtophobic
- Street to the Ocean
- Sturmwächter
- Sugar for Lucy
- Suizid
- Summoning
- Svarta
- Symbolon
- Synkende
- The Cassidy Scenario
- The Goatjuring
- The Negative Bias
- The Phobos Ensemble
- The Sorrow
- The Thunderjunkies
- The Unshaved Truth
- The Weight
- Their Dogs Were Astronauts
- Theotoxin
- Thosar
- Torso
- Tortured Souls
- Tough Motion
- TripSitter
- Triumphant
- Turbobier
- TuXedoo
- Ubahnpudding
- Under Destruction
- Uzziel
- Vargsriket
- Varulv
- Verba Serpentis
- Vermocracy
- Verrat
- Vienna Blues Association
- Vinsta
- Visions Of Atlantis
- vkgoeswild
- Voidstalker
- Vulvarine
- VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC
- Waldschrat
- Wegtam
- Weltenbrandt
- White Miles
- Zombie Inc.
- Zombie Metal Corrosion
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