- Ablazer
- Aegrus
- Aeonian Sorrow
- Aesthus
- Aethyrick
- Aihos
- Amberian Dawn
- Amorphis
- Antti Martikainen
- Apocalyptica
- Apulanta
- Arion
- Azaghal
- Balance Breach
- Baptism
- Barren Earth
- Battle Beast
- Battlelore
- Beast In Black
- Beastmilk
- Behexen
- Black Sun Aeon
- Blind Channel
- Blood Sport
- Bloodred Hourglass
- Bloody Valkyria
- Bodom After Midnight
- Bonehunter
- Bright & Black
- Brother Firetribe
- Brymir
- Cain's Offering
- Cavus
- Children Of Bodom
- Church Of The Dead
- Circle of Contempt
- Convocation
- Crimfall
- Cumbeast
- Curse upon a Prayer
- Dark Buddha Rising
- Dark Sarah
- Dawn of Solace
- Dead Shape Figure
- Einvigi
- Elias Viljanen
- Embraze
- Ensiferum
- Finntroll
- Flesh Roxon
- For The Imperium
- Foreseen
- Frosttide
- Ghastly
- Ghost Brigade
- Goatmoon
- Grave Pleasures
- Havukruunu
- HB
- Heavysaurus
- Hexvessel
- Hiidenhauta
- Hilastherion
- Horizon Ignited
- I, Helvete
- Iku-Turso
- Immortal Souls
- Insomnium
- Kalmah
- Kalmankantaja
- Kaunis Kuolematon
- Korgonthurus
- Korpiklaani
- Korpituli
- Kotipelto
- Krypts
- Lathspell
- Lordi
- Lost In Grey
- Lost Society
- Luna Kills
- Luxury Toys
- Magenta Harvest
- Malicious
- Manzana
- Marko Hietala
- Medeia
- Michael Monroe
- Mokoma
- Monsternaut
- Moonlight Sorcery
- Moonsorrow
- Mörbid Vomit
- Mors Principium Est
- My Grain
- Necromancer
- Night Nurse
- Nightside
- Nightwish
- Nôidva
- Nyos
- Oddland
- Omnium Gatherum
- Oranssi Pazuzu
- Peekaboo Primate
- Perisynti
- Poets Of The Fall
- Proscription
- Ranger
- Reckless Love
- Reverend Bizarre
- Rotten Sound
- Sacrilegious Impalement
- Sarastus
- Sargeist
- Satan's Fall
- Saturnian Mist
- Sawhill Sacrifice
- Sepulchral Curse
- Shade Empire
- Shear
- Shiraz Lane
- Smoulder
- Sonata Arctica
- Speedtrap
- Stam1na
- Steve'N'Seagulls
- Strale
- Stratovarius
- Suotana
- Survivors Zero
- Swallow The Sun
- Tarja
- Tiluland
- Totalselfhatred
- Tracedawn
- Turisas
- Turmion Kätilöt
- Ural Umbo
- Valravn
- Vermilia
- Voidfallen
- VV
- wheel
- White Death
- White Rune
- Wintersun
- Woland
- Wolfheart
Hey Metalheads!
Wenn ihr cool findet, was wir hier machen, könnt ihr uns gerne unterstützen. Überlegt's euch, keine Verpflichtung! → Vielen Dank!